Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
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“If you remember,
you will hear echoes.”
for Yuhan

Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
︎ Instagram
If you remember,
You will hear echoes.

For Yuhan 

Hayley Yuhan Ye 
Illustrator / Installation Artist / Art Tutor

Hayley is an illustrator who is inspired by her life experiences and her examination of society and culture.

She is not only concerned with the feelings of individuals, but also with the plight of specific social groups. And she wants her work to have social significance. 

At the same time, she has a strong interest in installation and photography, which she uses to document the research process and present the research archives.

2021-2023 Master 
Royal College of Art (London, UK)
Visual Communication - Illustration

2015-2019 Bachelor
Southeast Univercity (Nanjing, China)
Fine Art & Art History 

2022 Varley Award Winner
2022 Roma Scholarship Shortlist Awarded
2022 Royal Over-Seas League Rising Stars Artist
2022 Hiii Illustration Shortlist Awarded
2021 China Illustration Biennale Excellent Awarded

2022 <I SEE III> Southwark Park Galleries, London, UK
2022 <2|0|1> Royal Collage of Art, London, UK
2022 <I SEE> Royal Over-seas League, London, UK
2021  <The Handan Dream> Taiguhui, Shanghai, China

Participate in Her Project
Recently Hayley has been focusing on women's health and she is working on a project called Pink Seeds, which is related to breast cancer.

She hopes to use this project to help breast cancer patients get out of post-surgery and reconnect with society.

If you would like to find out more or are interested in being involved in the creation of the project. Please email 7255814@network.rca.ac.uk.

Pink Seeds has received funding support from the Royal College of Art.