Hayley’s Visual Poems

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“If you remember,
you will hear echoes.”
for Yuhan

Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
︎ Instagram
If you remember,
You will hear echoes.

For Yuhan 


Illustration, China, 2019-2020
2H, HB, 2B, 4B & 6B Pencil,
Watercolour Paper, 

Ipad Procreat, Apple Pencil
Recognition of I SEE

2022 Roma Scholarship Shortlist Awarded
2022 Royal Over-Sea League Raising Stars Exhibition, London, UK
2022 Hiii Illustration Shortlist Awarded
2021 China Illustration Biennale Excellent Awarded

Step 01 Character Design

Step 02 Draw Sketches

Step 03 Manage Sketches

Step 04 Story Text & Script

According to Freuds's "Da Vinci's Childhood Memories" and my motto "γνῶθι σεαυτόν" (identifying yourself) . I start to explore the relationship between the subconsciousness and sketches. It was extended to the narrative pencil booklet in the end.

I SEE is a kind of surrealim project, which expresses the physical world by deconstructing exaggerated shapes, chaotic curves to deconstruct. It also tells stories about escape, curiosity and death. It is suitable with the original concept of surrealism - the absolute truth strems from the conflict between dreams and reality.
i wanna see.
i saw the change of the wind.
i saw the sea.
i saw the lost city.
i saw deserts and icebergs.
then i saw the death.
i saw the cells bird.
I see.