Hayley’s Visual Poems

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“If you remember,
you will hear echoes.”
for Yuhan

Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
︎ Instagram
If you remember,
You will hear echoes.

For Yuhan 

Lost II
Installation, China, 2019
Stainless Steel, Electric Motor, Rubber, Glue, Silver Acrylic, Glass, Water, Tracing Paper, Pencil

In a chat with a friend, I realized I have forgotten many things about my life experiences. It was supposed be a kind of memory loss as well. Therefore, it was the motivation to creating the Lost II.

Lost II contains an automatic rotation Instalation and a Video.
I have modelled the dial on the 3 numbers 6, 3, 9 and 12 by rotating their positions 180 degrees counterclockwise and rotating the hands counterclockwise to represent memory.
The glass jar with water below the dial represents the time. 
Scale & Draft


The human head pointer with the letters enters the water at the number 12, representing the memory that always falls unnoticed at night. The water breaks up the letters, representing time dissipating the memory, allowing the otherwise meaningful letters to fall apart and sink, thus completing a lost memory.