Hayley’s Visual Poems

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“If you remember,
you will hear echoes.”
for Yuhan

Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
︎ Instagram
If you remember,
You will hear echoes.

For Yuhan 

Lost I

Installation, 2019, China
Tin foil, cotton, watercolour paints,
flowers, reflective fabric mirror, ect

Lost I explores the relationship between people and memory.

I'm so used to being stuck in my memories that I couldn't really enjoy the present moment for some time in the past.

The whole room was covered with reflective paper to represent the“world of memories”.
The clothing in reflective materials was wore on the model, indicating that it trapped in “memory.”

When the model in the house, it felled into memories. According to the characteristics of material reflection, it is impossible to distinguish between "memory world" and "real self' due to falling into memories.