Hayley’s Visual Poems

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“If you remember,
you will hear echoes.”
for Yuhan

Hayley’s Visual Poems

︎ About Hayley
︎ Instagram
If you remember,
You will hear echoes.

For Yuhan 

My Poem

Illustration, UK, 2021
One Plus 8, Ipad, Procreate, Apple Pencil

I hope this project will prompt more girls to be aware of screening for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

To ease the anxiety of girls who are suffering from PCOS. Even PCOS cannot be completely cured, it can be managed with a focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Sample Book


“The forest
I wandered through.
The forest is on my body.”

Roller Coaster

is like a roller coaster,
up and down.”

Deep Sea

“Everything about child,
like sinking into
the deep sea.”

Rock Climbing

“Weight control
is hard rock climbing.
Gasp for breath. ”


“I want to sleep after a meal. Sleep after getting up.
Sleep during the day. ”


“Acne is like a volcanic eruption.
I would never escape.”


“The tingling in my breasts
always reminds me that
they are there.”


“Period like a lottery.
I don't know
if it will come on time.”


“Hair is always tangled.
they entangle me.”

“Acne is a galaxy.
I'm on this side.
You're over there.”